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Birds and Moons Forum Rules
Birds and Moons Forum Rules - Please Read!

We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below.

Membership on the Birds and Moons Forum is a privilege, and not a right. The forum isn't a democracy. The administrators and moderators of the forum reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread without prior notice, and for any reason. They also reserve the right to revoke a person's membership at any time, again without prior notice, and for any reason. If you are banned, booted, removed, deleted, or otherwise asked to leave, don't expect an explanation, and don't ask for one.

You need to maintain an email address that works! If we need to get a hold of you for whatever reason and you are either non-responsive, or your email get's bounced back to us, you run the risk of having your membership cancelled.

Although the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and the owners of the forum will not be held responsible for the content of any message.

As a member you warrant and agree that you will not post any messages either publicly or privately that are not in good taste, are hateful, threatening, or are otherwise a violation of any laws. Solicitation (Spam) is not permitted.

There are items advertised for sale on the forum by both regular members and members who are affiliated with retail establishments. The Birds and Moons Forum takes no responsibilty for the transactions that happen here. We believe that it's important to know the person you're dealing with before entering into any transaction. Asking for references is a great idea, but as always, let the buyer beware. Do not for any reason break the trust or confidence of a fellow member as the result of the exchange of goods initiated on BaM. Any violation could result in the revocation of your membership.

Avoid negatively contrasting, comparing, or disparaging other forums, which includes their membership and mods while on Birds and Moons!

And lastly, make sure to treat others as you would like to be treated. Be respectful of others!

Thank you for taking the time to read through the rules. If you have any questions, make sure to contact one of the moderators. We hope you enjoy your stay!

Swap Meet Posting Guidelines

1. Make sure to post a price! If a price isn't listed you run the risk of having your ad deleted. Having a price listed on another website doesn't count. It needs to be included with your ad here on BaM. Posting a link to an auction site is acceptable, but it wouldn't hurt to take a minute if you have an item listed on Reverb, Ebay, or elsewhere, to post the text and pictures of the ad or auction over here on BaM!

2. References to "accepting offers" aren't allowed. Again, if an item is posted in the "Swap Meet" it requires a posted price.

3. No more than 4 ads posted at any one time. Any more than that will require that you consolidate your ads. If you don't, you may find we've either done it for you, or deleted something you didn't want deleted.

4. Stay positive! No negative comments about an item for sale, or the price. If the price appears too high, and it really bugs you, move on to something else.

5. People are posting to get an item sold, and are not inviting open ended discussions. Ask any questions that are necessary to help you make a decision about buying the item.

6. When an item sells, help out by deleting your ad. All ads older than 30 days will be deleted.

7. As stated in the Forum Rules above, the administrators and moderators of the forum reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread without prior notice, and for any reason. This of course includes anything posted in the Swap Meet. The Birds and Moons Forum takes no responsibility for transactions that happen here.

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